Updated on March 31
*= New Material
Below is a list of relevant resources ABC Alaska has compiled for your use. Please continue to follow all recommended guidelines and stay safe. We will be updating this list regularly.
Workplace Resources
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FCCRA) from U.S. Department of Labor
Best Practices for COVID-19 on Job Sites
Government Updates
H.R.6201 Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Full Text)
State of Alaska COVID-19 Health Mandate 003: Closure of Restaurants, Bars, and Entertainment
State of Alaska COVID-19 Health Mandate 004: Travelers, Level 3 and 2
Governor Dunleavy's 6 Point Economic Stabilization Plan
Alaska Essential Services and Critical Workforce Infrastructure Order
This Week's ABC Webinars
1.) Wednesday April 1st at 11 am : COVID-19 Impacts on HR and Employee Benefits
*Register Here*
2.) Thursday April 2nd at 11 am: Contractors and Supply Chain Partners: Thinking and Delivering "Win-Win" Supply Chains
*Register Here*
Archived ABC Webinars
ABC Academy